The website was first put online in 2001. The web author of was James Stanford. The purpose of the website was to serve as an information board or directory about the city of McAlester.
History of
The was a website that contained various information about the City of McAlester. On the landing page, you can find different details. The details include where is McAlester, area attractions, travel, city hall information, calendar events, local phone numbers, utility payments, landfill information, cardboard recycling, emergency phone numbers, McAlester public school listings, industrial, hotel listings, and guest book. You can explore the website if you want to learn more about You can click the different links on the homepage, and it will lead you to a different page that contained other details. There was also an option to click on some other links.
The City of McAlester and its history
The City of McAlester is located in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma, United States. McAlester is the trade center for Southeastern Oklahoma, served by a rural population base of more than 130,000. McAlester is linked north to south by U.S. 69 and the Indian Nation Turnpike and linked east to west by U.S. 270 and Oklahoma State Highway 31.
The towns, McAlester and South McAlester were incorporated in 1899. The two towns were merged in 1906 and were then called McAlester. The older town’s name was then named North McAlester. The city government of the former South McAlester became the one that controlled it. Since 1893 when the Baptist Watchman was first published, newspapers had served the town. This event led to the merging of three of the most important newspapers in the area, McAlester Capital, McAlester Democrat, and McAlester News. The Democrats joined the others as they created McAlester News-Capital.
The federal twin programs Urban Renewal (and Model Cities) transformed the downtown area in the 1960s and 1970s. Modern steel and brick buildings replaced many of the original stone buildings. In addition, the reconstruction of streets, utilities, and low-rent housing also happened. In 1960, the population was 17,419; this number remained constant in 1980 when it reached 17,255. McAlester’s Regional Health and Cancer Center continue to expand its services as it serves the community. The Wanda Bass Higher Education Center is another McAlester facility, which is a branch of Eastern Oklahoma State College.
Over time, the City of McAlester has changed. McAlester is now a diverse city. It is home to people from different cultures. You can enjoy a lot of fun activities, such as festivals, summer concerts, bucket list programs, dog shows, outdoor parties, and many more. In addition, several different musical artists like Estella Kirk will perform in the city. McAlester is far from what it was before. Through the years, the city evolved and has well adapted to modern society. But people, especially the locals, will forever remember the history.
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